Olivia Pennelle

Olivia Pennelle

Writer and wellness advocate, Olivia Pennelle (Liv), is in long-term recovery and has been sober since March 2012. She is in recovery from eating disorders, addiction, co-dependency, and mental illness. Initially Liv got sober in AA and NA, and in later recovery found her home in Refuge Recovery. At two years sober, she hit another rock bottom with eating disorders. After seeking help, Liv was able to overcome her disordered relationship with food and her body. During her journey, she learned how to harness the power of food and exercise to enhance her recovery, and lost 60 pounds. What her journey revealed was the need for a holistic approach to recovery which looked after her physical self as well as her sobriety. Liv is so passionate about living well in recovery that she launched a website—Liv’s Recovery Kitchen—sharing her experience with others. The site is a resource for all on their journey toward health and wellness.

You will find Liv featured amongst top recovery writers and bloggers, published on websites such as: Recovery.Org, The Fix, The Recovery Village, Workit Health, iExhale, Addiction Unscripted, Transformation is Real, and many more.