Scholarships For Substance Abuse

Aside from Medicare and Medicaid, individuals needing financial assistance for substance abuse can apply for grants and scholarships. Scholarships are awarded at a “per need” basis and provides partial or full funding for substance abuse costs and care. Individuals needing rehab for drug or alcohol abuse have options to attend rehab as they have financial support. Fortunately, scholarships and grants can encourage sobriety and a commitment to getting needed quality care.

In addition to scholarships for drug treatment, state-funded facilities may offer funding for people to attend rehab, and grants are available for individuals to use. Additionally, individuals can examine which churches offer financial help for addiction, research non-profit organizations, charity and insurance options, and consider sliding scale services. Individuals can also find a directory of rehabs and insurance providers here to aid in the search for treatment centers in your area or throughout the country. Lastly, researching which corporations offer addiction scholarships and grants in your state can help you explore more options.

Why Grants And Scholarships For Rehab Are Helpful

Scholarships can be combined with private insurance or insurance plans like Medicare and Medicaid for additional funding support. Scholarships for rehab provided by the facility are awarded by a case-by-case scenario. The patient has to remain committed to seeking them, as some are difficult to discover. Scholarships partially or fully cover both outpatient and inpatient rehab for those who qualify. Varying facilities offer different types of coverage for rehab costs and treatments. For additional information on coverage and financial assistance options, speak with a treatment provider here.

Scholarships partially or fully cover both outpatient and inpatient coverage for those who qualify.

Patient costs can vary based on inpatient or outpatient costs, as well as the quality of the facility one attends (destination, luxury). In the case of drug or alcohol treatment, some patients pay between $200 to $800 for a month of detox. In other cases, some patients are expected to pay between $1,400 to $10,000 for outpatient detox. Other outpatient services can range from $3,000 to $10,000 for 30 days. Such factors can help the patients decide which treatment method they prefer, whether it is staying local, completing inpatient or outpatient detox, or if they prefer a state-funded facility with less luxury amenities. Having financial support can greatly reduce costs and encourage personal responsibility and incentives for recovery.

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Qualifying And Applying For Scholarships

The application process is relatively simple. Those seeking scholarships or grants can log on to sites like, or to find out information on how to get started. Researching private rehabs and inquiring about scholarships and applying is another form of attaining an application. Some facilities or scholarships may have restrictions; therefore, contacting them or investigating the requirements can be helpful and advantageous.

For instance, patients may have to prove they have tried to receive help for treatment but have run out of options. Additionally, patients who can prove they are committed to recovery may have higher chances of being granted scholarships for rehab.This may include having to provide insurance information, or applying to several scholarships to increase the odds of success.

Types Of Scholarships And Grants For Substance Abuse

Those seeking funding for rehab have the option of gaining financial resources from rehabs through their programs. Patients have the option of government grants, block grants, full, and partial scholarships. These vary in the following ways:

  • Block grants: SAMHSA offers a block grant called the Substance Abuse Prevention And Treatment Block Grant (SABG) program. The grant includes funding for all states in the United States. Those needing recovery, mothers or expecting mothers, IV drug users and those most at risk for substance abuse are considered the block grant.

  • Partial scholarships: Offers funding that covers a portion of rehab costs.

  • Full scholarships: Offers funding that covers the entire portion of rehab costs

Grants And Scholarships To Consider: Non-Profit Scholarships For Substance Abuse

Some grant options include The Center For Substance Abuse Treatment offered by SAMHSA, which provides substance abuse funding focusing on primarily teens and pregnant women. Additionally, the National Institute of Health Grant offers funding for Cocaine-related drug treatment for those who qualify. Additionally, private companies can offer scholarships for drug abuse, if individuals qualify.

Furthermore, non-profit organizations also provide funding for those who qualify. For example, a non-profit called 10,000 Beds is a rehab scholarship for those needing help for addiction. This scholarship covers the full amount of rehab scholarship funds for patients in need. Additionally, the foundation has provided over $1,000,000 of financial support for substance abuse rehab.

You Have All The Support Needed For Change

Financing rehab and getting treated for substance abuse may seem intimidating, but there is support available. Taking the needed steps after realizing the impact of addiction on you or your loved ones is empowering. Knowing there are funding options that can support this journey is motivating. If you or a loved one faces addiction, contact a treatment provider to learn more about funding options and how to get help.

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